Saturday, May 2

; Saya fanatik? TAK .

fakta : nenek saya sayang remote controlnya .

Salam alaykum dan apa khabar orang kampung!

Eh, saya semacam tak puas hati pasal Akademi Fantasia pujaan ramai tu. Entah kenapa hati saya tergerak mahu tengok AF7 konsert malam tadi, musim transformasi konon la ye. I am not a die hard fan of AF, I don't give a really damn care about the elimination (yet, Adiba you are mumbling about it!) Okay, mind me. Ye la, satu perubahan yang berlaku.

I have to say that I respect Principal Tiara, as she is doing a great job of shaping those newcomers. All the performances by the students tonight was an undeniably awesome! The idea of tonight's theme was genius, musical theater, especially the P. Ramlee part done by Isma and Hafiz :) They were superb. No, I am not trying to promote or whatsoever. You tell me. Could you do such theatrical acts like that and you have only 4 days?! Agak terer di situ.

The idea of this give me this ;


Huh, Adibah kenapa dgn anda ni? Poyo ah, kata tak mahu bicara soal realiti tv! Okay, maafkan saya. Tapi, saya ada point saya di sini, dan mahu berdiri kerana itu. Ceh.

"Eh, Astro kalau nak kutip juta-juta pun tak payah la nak buat AF masuk ni, macam tak profesional langsung, saya tgh menyampah ni. Ini gimik lapuk la. Take OIAM, analyse them, they managed to catch the votes and still maintaning the quality of the show. Plus, the contestant waaaaay better."

Nasib baik saya sempat layan AIM 2009. Afdlin, Adibah :) and Bob were the greatest combination. Tak cukup dengan tu, saya tengok "Bila Mama Pakai Celana". Oh, wey, lama sungguh saya tak layan drama Melayu sejak kebelakangan ni. I was a TV freak before. Ask me anything, saya jawab! But the most reality show that inspire me noe is the one who was suggested by Ball, WHO IS THE BIGGEST LOSER? Serious weh, saya nak kurus mcm mereka! Cun, cun!

Saya harap anda faham situasi depresi saya sekarang! *hantuk kepala ke dinding* Tak, saya tunggu masa depan saya. Macam Arlina juga, SAYA NAK TERBANG KE UNITED KINGDOM! Nak sangat, Ya Allah kabulkanlah doa hambamu ini. Kau yang Terbaik! Saya tak kisah dah kena tgk darah memancut-mancut. Tak takut pun. Saya berani dah ni. SEMANGAT!

Shut up.

mixed up ;
Deeb .

p/s ; Saya tertanya-tanya, siapakah yg rajin mengundi? 50 sen boleh beli 2 choki-choki, 1 aiskrim pop .


ballqiszbelle said...

ye laa...50sen bnyk gila.untuk undi pulak tu, pastu ade pulak wujudkan undian pukal. sengaja la tu.

the biggest loser, no words to decribe the show. Kene tgok baru tahu. then dia ade dedahkan pasal cara hidup sihat yg aku ikut.haha..lawak pulak. but then still ade kebaikan, kalau AF? ape yg nk ikut? cara nyanyi? cara cakap? but still ade kebaikan gak, masih x jumpe. ahh mumbling pasal ni, macam penat..


cik bulan said...

huhu afdlin shauki ;)

arlina said...

haha there's my name
tapi betul2 kan, tension gila.
mcm nk tunggu lgi 3 minggu for the result
mmg boleh kurus sbb xlalu makan, tak payah diet dah. haha