Wednesday, May 28

never better (:

hello beautiful people out there!
do say it!

ah, there's progression on my homeworks today. finally, i touch my biology book. even it was a little. gila kau dibaa. agak berkembang kan? aku belajar ah gak. bukan macam manusia di luar berfoya-foya, ronggeng tak tentu hala. astaghfirullah. taubat la weyh. tak sedar ke? kau ckp mcm kau bagos kan dibaa ooi. at least, aku tunduk takut bencana Allah SWT.

there's another good thing.. lots actually. i helped ibu for lunch. helping ayah with his coffee. sucking up to send me back to perlis. please la ayah. no bus for this time. bole ye? i ate a lot lately. gemok. apa aku kesah. lifes doing great. dibaa is back to normal. no conflict. no anonymous. haha.

psl dia. cukup di sini dahulu. terima kasih atas segala kebaikan mu. if things get change for better why not? forgetting you is totally hard. i know, always. but Allah is always there to be with me. ntah ah, buat apa nak fikir psl org yg buat kita rasa tak selesa. not just him. the whole story of him. that girl. that another guy. that another punye another girl. why think.? bingai kan? oh, not his fault. just, stupid idea of love. not now maybe. kau baru sedar ke minah?

and reminder to some people who tots i was the whom looking for that person at that beautiful island of Langkawi, for god sake.. stop it la weyh. aku tak terhegeh-hegeh cari dia. the other girl was. siap chit-chat lagi. and if she was so "perasan", it was not like everybody was asking about her. it was just the bzbody girl (name should be kept as secret) . saya dah lama berhenti mengeluarkan kata-kata jahat. so, dun get my temperature rise. astaghfirullahala'zim. tak yah jadi mcm mangkok kat tandas PLUS yg lawa tu. aku tau ia automatic. tekan je dah flush. who cares, anyway? if he is asking me the same damn ques, i'll answer, "who gives big damn about it, kesah apa aku? sape dia? n sape kau? jadi. bla." serious.

one more. going kl. lake garden. vogue ouh. taking photos again. semalam tak jadi. ony ada kelas. rajin ah minah tu skunk. hehe. warung nasik lemak tutup plak. aiyak! remaja gila jalan. tu ah kau dibaa. 6 bulan. please, keep that in mind. then, kau nak terbalik ke, terbongkang ke.. suketi ah. ibu ayah are hoping for the best. i will. yes, insyaallah. amin :DD people. doa tau! nabil, kau raja lawak ku. lu pikey la sendiri.

mcm best je kan tulis blog. mcm masa depan kau cerah mcm lampu mentol umah nenek kan dibaa. terang je. pala kau. keje melambak. got to go. bye. wasalam.

sape dia? hanya di situ. TITIK.


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