Monday, July 26

; Short and unexpected vacation

To value someone, it cost your heart to be sometimes, too outspoken. More, yourself get more tense than you think. Any assumptions or perceptions towards others bring a lot more suffers than good. Let just be nice to others. Shall we?

I've come to this blog issue about some 'special' people or targeted group in my place. Indeed, they are all nice, smart and yeah, good. At certain point, to me, TO ME, some of them are just being so selfish, and yeah pretending that they do not aware of their behavior. Lame. I know, I've been talking a lot of things about people. Nevertheless, I thought it was so easy to get this sort of parasites out of our life, it was, when, I found the solutions. Let her be in her own egoistic fantasy, and treat her at your best, and be sincere about it.

"Berlapang dada lah kamu dengan apa yang manusia buat kepada kamu, nescaya Allah akan melapangkan segala urusan kamu"

Kata ini memang menusuk hati aku, sebab, aku sangat bengang dengan seorang hamba Allah yang hatinya, baik, cuma terkadang mungkin tersilap. Tapi, usrah dengan Kak Diba, membuka hati aku untuk menerima.

Berat, sakit, pedih, aku dah pun rasa, tapi sampai bila mahu diri dibiar penuh dengan titik-titik hitam hanya rasa terguris kerana perbuatan manusia? Allah yang utama, letakkan Dia paling tinggi, setelah itu aku rasa, semuanya hikmah daripadaNya. InsyaAllah, aku belajar sesuatu minggu ini.

Cikgu Guna is kind of a spontaneous with a very sharp mouth and yeah, a deep sarcastic teacher. I'm going to go through his lesson without putting emotions. And do I have the strength for that? Sheeeeesh. YES, Allah is there always, for me.

I'm going for Kapas this weekend, and people do not acknowledge this, Yahooooo. 2 days, in vacation, 2 days, appointment, say what? A real rest I presume then.

Hah, banyak nak dikejar minggu ni, esok test Bio, Khamis ambil Chemistry pulak.

Aku tau aku kuat, Allah tahu aku kuat, sebab itu aku boleh. Aminnnn :)


p/s : Bahasa Melayu aku dah makin teruk, English pulak terlebih-lebih. Aku mcm tak kenal asal usul. Poyo ke? Ahh, aku tahu.

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