Tuesday, April 21

; Dentist makes me sexier.

Hello readers,

I went for the dentist appointment again! Guess what?! It did not hurt me a bit. Maybe, a little while I got the injection and GAH! I am done.

Next appointment will be on the 4th May, Monday! Weee, the last one to make the grill on my teeth!

to dentist-phobic, serious dentist makes you sexier. HA HA HA.

Sexy ;
Deeb .

p/s ; Darn, no heavy food or drink until tomorrow morning!


keberkatan said...

saya jumpa dokter tiap2 bulan!!
hahah.. dokte saya baek lagi hot!
heheh.. diba! i'm gonna take off this braces bulan ni!! waaa.. best nyer!!!

harap2 dokter luluskan laaa.. plz.. dokte!!
gigi saya da berdisiplin..

ballqiszbelle said...

walau ape pon, saya x akan jumpe dentist..saya suffer sorang2...huaaaa....

sob2..penakut betul..Allah,sila la kawinkan saya ngn dentist baru saya x takut dah..hehe

AdibaRahman said...

Waa, gigi saya tak disiplin lagi!
Waa, lepas ni senyuman Aimi....
laa, tp dh tade serangan sinar!

Takkkkk. Dia inject Valium untuk kebaskan. You wont feel the pain. Serious!

NIESYA said...

kte senasib lorrhh...
ak pon x kn g jmpe dntist....
klo jmpe pon....
nurse yg sllu dtg skolah 2..

ballqiszbelle said...
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ballqiszbelle said...

lantaklah..dia inject emas ke ape ke..aku takut jugakk...sejak aku kecil, this is my greatest fear ever....!!

KECUALI, kalau aku kawin ngn doktor gigi..boleh la aku ke klinik gigi beliau selalu..hehehe...doakan aku lah..

NIESYA sangat betul...dekat sekolah je aku jmpe doktor gigi..then, no way mann~